Celebrating 50 Years of Coeducation
at Lafayette College

August 17, 2020 – June 30, 2021
Skillman Library, Lass Gallery

As part of the campus-wide celebration of the arrival of women students in 1970, the College Archives showcased photographs, documents, and memorabilia commemorating this remarkable period of social change at Lafayette. This exhibit recognized and honored the students, faculty, staff, alumni, and leadership whose accomplishments have helped shape the College’s transition to coeducation and subsequent success. With courage and commitment, the First Women and their champions helped build the foundation for a more diverse student body, faculty, and leadership at Lafayette College. Today, women represent 52% of enrolled students and nearly 50% of faculty members are women.

Included in this exhibition:

  • Quilt produced in honor of coeducation at Lafayette College
    Audio interview with quilt creator Liza Lucy, Class of 1974
  • Photo gallery featuring five enlarged photos from the library’s historical photograph collection depicting major milestones during Lafayette’s path to coeducation.
  • Items on display from the Lafayette Archives commemorating this important milestone